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Connexion strategists

Marcomm engineers


Our role is to help you take control of your media environment. In strategy as well as in the everyday rollercoaster of decision-making.

Media plays a key role in every aspect of the client relation and the coordination of actions, platforms and teams offers the best opportunity for optimization. Media knowledge is an asset for marketing and communication, for executives, leads and marketing teams. 

The challenges and solutions are not linear, we are not linear either.

We work with structure

We bring opinions and ideas

We guide

We take control of the media, together.

Four ideas that motivates our work

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Behind a strong brand strategy there is strong media knowledge

A brand's positioning, its communication intentions and actions are closely linked to the platform on which they are deployed. Media knowledge is a major asset to build a brand strategy that is adapted to its environment. We developed a strategic planning process that combines message and media and therefore gets a complete view.


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Media strategy is an art inspired by science


On the other hand, the development of a media plan is highly strategic. Too often, the plan is the simple coordination of tactics when it should be preceded by a real strategic process. It should evolve from the complex business challenge, be neutral, connected on people and synchronized with all communication actions. Behind a strong media plan, there is a strong strategy.

Everybody should be
knowledgeable in media


The media environment is more complex and more complicated than ever, especially when following the evolutions of every opportunity. We think all decision-making marketing experts connected to this environment should feel equipped. Therefore, we have chosen to train all our clients and develop tools to support them.

Our role in 

support and counsel?   >>>



Behind important decisions, there is a leader, and sometimes a media expert.

When making decisions, we know that knowledge is only one part of the equation, and sometimes a more experienced advice is needed. That's why we also developed a strategic advisory program for the marketing executives and brand leads that can now get support in their decision-making challenges.

Three ideas explain our approach

Slightly different from your usual media expert

Problems and solutions are challenging, and to achieve results we need be at the top of our game. To make the right choices, we have to be more than just curious, we have to be inquisitive and creative. We search for a different profile with our strategic leads; a different twist than the usual media or strategist. 


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Collaboration approach

Being in control of the media is also participating in its development. We approach our work in a collaborative and transparent manner. At each step, we organize sharing and cocreation sessions. We also  share the evolution on a project management platform, accessible to the client.



A simple and agile structure

A good lead can make a big difference. That's why we've chosen a formula that combines Lead+Experts. The lead not only manages the account, he is the strategic anchor. He coordinates the participation of experts, who are dynamic at each stage, depending on needs.

So. We are hybrids.


And you?

Strategy and Media

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